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4 great ways to money on the Internet

Everyone loves money. Who don't? As today, the Internet has become a must in every house, there are a lot of people who started to think " How can i make a penny from the Internet?". And the answer is, yes you can! But how?

1. Sell your template or website design online
If you love web design ( and can create beautiful design), this should be an option for you. As the Internet growing bigger and bigger everyday, there are more and more companies who willing to build a website for their business. Normally, the first thing that they will do is search a design for their company and they will go to websites like Templatematic or Theme Forest or FlashDen to pick up a style for their website. You can sell your design there. Here is a list of website that would love to buy your design.

2. Ads Publishing
This option maybe would not be an option if you want to make money fast. The problem is, it will need time to attract visitor to your site/blog. But if your site get a lot of visit, then this could be a primary way for you to make money. You can some Ads company like Adsense, or from this list to publish their ads.

3. Sell goods
I think this option is the best if you have a lot of goods to sell. Set up a website, then promote your goods then  you can see the money came directly to your pocket! You can also promote your goods using social networks like facebook as statistic showing that in average, people are spending about 2 hours  a day in their facebook. So this could be a great opportunity for you.

4. Selling your expertise
If you're a expertise in something, let just say, Linux, why don't you promote yourself and get paid to help them solve their everyday problem in Linux. Statistic showing that only 2% of the Internet users who use Linux as their Operating System. What about the other 98%?Well, they are all your customers. Give services like online support or on phone support then charge them with that.

Well, those are some ways to make money online. I'm sure there are plenty of way to do that. The last thing that i want to say is to watch out for online scam. You can read about them here

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